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6-point Scotch

Type Points
Alias Scotch, 5-point Scotch
Format Game
Number of players 4
Team or Individual play Team

An old-time favorite, 5-point Scotch, and its variation the 6-point Scotch, is a team points game that awards points for hitting dots. The team with the highest points wins the game and the match bet. A press in Scotch is different from a Nassau press. In Scotch, a player can press a hole doubling the bet (number of points awarded) in the hole. There is also the option to press the match, effectively doubling all hole points for the rest of the match.

There are 5 possible points to be won in each hole.

Low net score - 1 point

Total low net score - 1 point

Lowest total putts - 1 point

Closest to the pin in regulation - 1 point

Scoring a net birdie - 1 point

In the 6 points Scotch version, scoring is as follows:

Low net score - 2 points

Total low net score - 2 points

Closest to the pin in regulation - 1 point

Scoring a net birdie - 1 point

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